With InfoWARE Market Data Terminal (IMDT) you can monitor the daily performance of your portfolio in real-time as well as quick access to real-time news that affect your portfolios.
You can also use IMDT to analyze and identify top market trends, place triggers and track your portfolio performance
InfoWARE Market Data Terminal (IMDT) solution helps portfolio managers achieve their objectives by providing information about their portfolio's including price trends, performance chart, news and much more From one solution, portfolio investors can use IMDT tools to deliver consistent insight, enabling you to create and execute differentiating investment strategies.
At InfoWARE, we are committed to continuously providing greater transparency to your investments and making sure that you make the most confident and accurate decision as possible.
Our IMDT solution is fully integrated and provides a broad range of sophisticated tools required by today’s investors and asset managers to make decisions that impact positively on their portfolios.
IMDT is a platform that provides real-time and historical market data, analytics, and insights for investors and traders. It is designed to help users make informed financial decisions by offering comprehensive market coverage.
Our data is sourced directly from leading financial institutions and the Nigerian stock exchange. IMDT provides real-time, accurate, and up-to-date information to ensure that users are making decisions based on the latest market data.
IMDT is suitable for both novice and experienced investors. Whether you're a retail trader, institutional investor, or a financial professional, our platform offers tools and data to help you meet your investment goals.
IMDT is a cloud-based platform that can be accessed through a web browser or via our mobile app, available on both iOS and Android devices. You can register on our website to create an account and start using the service.
IMDT includes real-time data feeds, customizable dashboards, technical and fundamental analysis tools, news updates, AI-powered insights, and personalized notifications to help users stay ahead of market trends.