To ensure greater security for all users, Two Factor Authentication (TFA) is now improved and available for account security on InfoWARE e-business platform. The perpetual skirmish between hackers and online businesses rages on. As crooks become smarter, you must make an extra effort to protect your data and accounts online. InfoWARE strives to provide its customers with rock-hard security.
According to data from the UN’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the World Bank, and the UN itself, the number of active cellphone subscriptions has grown larger than the number of actual people on the planet. As your business implements mobile engagement strategies to optimize business processes, improve relationships with customers, and offer valuable convenience for users, it is imperative to note that some security risks are created and opportunities for data breaches that most organizations are simply unprotected against.
Hence, Two-factor authentication is highly recommended for the websites and services which save personal or sensitive data. Two-factor authentication provides many business benefits, including: Improved security: By requiring a second form of identification, decreasing the probability that an attacker can impersonate a user and gain access to accounts or other sensitive resources.
The InfoWARE E-business platform, a web portal that allows your customers easily and efficiently perform KYC, access/view their portfolio, and trade has now been upgraded with a two-factor authentication feature. Meaning your customer’s information are now more secured from hackers or fraudsters. You can rest easy knowing your data is safe and sound.
The implemented two-factor authentication includes a regular password, as well as a PIN that would be sent on request to log-in. Hence, after your customer inputs their password, a firewall that can only be passed with the authorized pin/code pops up, a PIN is then sent to their mobile phone. Upon inputting the PIN, the customer gains access to his/her secured information and trading portfolio.
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