With the current administration putting effort into moving Nigeria economic situation from the recession, recent Monetary and Fiscal Policies have been formulated to heal the economy. The Forex Market has been stable with the current exchange rate maintained at N364.90 to $1. The inflation rate is currently at 16.1 which has decreased by 14% Year-to-date against 18.72 value at Jan 2017. The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has maintained the interest rate at 14%. These economic factors have collectively boosted consumer confidence and have put NSE ASI Index on a bullish trend making almost all stocks bullish.
The Forex Market has been stable with the current exchange rate maintained at N364.90 to $1. The inflation rate is currently at 16.1 which has decreased by 14% Year-to-date against 18.72 value at Jan 2017. The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has maintained the interest rate at 14%. These economic factors have collectively boosted consumer confidence and have put NSE ASI Index on a bullish trend making almost all stocks bullish.
These economic factors have collectively boosted consumer confidence and have put NSE ASI Index on a bullish trend making almost all stocks bullish.
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