- Availability of Hidden/Iceberg Order Type: This is a type of order placed on NSE where by the total amount of the order is divided into visible portion, which is reported to other market participants and a hidden portion which is not. When the visible part of the Order is fully filled, a new part of the hidden portion of the same size becomes visible.
- Availability of WHOLE or NONE (WON) Order Type: This is a type of order placed on the NSE where the condition used on the Buy or Sell Order is to fill the Order completely by a Single Counterparty or not at all. And if there is an insufficient supply to meet the quantity requested by the Order then it is cancelled at the close of the market.
This is to inform you that as from Monday 23, Feb 2015 NSE would be upgrading the X-GEN Trading Platform. The upgrades include additional features and functionalities. Some of the new features include;
I applaud this flexibility and quick adaptability not as mere endorsements but as requisite andincentive to our intelligent choice of infoware. We are trusting in your capabilities to continue to deliver and sustain a more dynamic, engaging and profitable experience with your technological advantage. Well done.