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Cloud Computing

Infoware Cloud to the Rescue

By November 23, 2011No Comments


InfoWARE Limited

Power and Functionality…. Without the Price Tag

Imagine this scenario: It’s been a hectic day, it’s late and you left the office a while back heading home but you are still stuck in traffic. Your cell phone beeps and you take a look, its’ a flash message from your enterprise application. One of your account officers in the Abuja branch is with a VIP in his office and she needs a senior manager approval to authorize a transaction for a VIP customer. The customer Chief XYZ is one of your biggest HNIs (highest networth individuals) and you can’t afford to disappoint. You ask your driver to turn around and head back to the office but this is Lagos and you realize you probably won’t be able to get to your office for at least an hour. What to do, you simply can’t afford to disappoint Chief XYZ and have him entertain the thought of moving to your competition.


Ah ha!! You wipe out your IPad, launch your enterprise application, swipe your way to the approval module and immediately approve the transaction and send a notification to the Abuja account officer. The account officer is able to complete the transaction and sends Chief XYX on his merry way. As you sink back into your seat relieved you don’t have to fight the traffic back to your office, your phone rings and it’s Chief XYZ. He’s calling to compliment you on the great service he just received from your Abuja Account officer despite not having a senior manager around. He jokingly tells you he wants to know the secret technology sauce that makes your people so efficient even on the go without a laptop and with only just an IPad. And on a serious note, he tells you that you will be getting more of his business. As you put the phone down, you smile to yourself, not a bad way to end the day. If only Lagos traffic could be half as efficient as your enterprise software. Oh well!

This scenario is not a pipe dream but is happening today with InfoWARE enterprise application suite. Our application suite has been tested and deployed on IPad and Android tablets and with the integrated workflow features in the application, the scenario painted above is a practical reality. At a recent Aberdeen ( briefing by Andrew Borg, the subject of mobile app advantages surfaced. Survey data taken from 240 enterprises suggest that [overall], the use of mobile apps designed specifically to help employees get their work done, increased productivity by 45%. Further, the data reveals that operational efficiency rises almost as much (44%) when enterprise apps are made available.

The top three mobile strategies, as reported by Aberdeen, and the respective response percentages are:

  1. Improve communication and collaboration among team members (66%)
  2. Rapidly deliver actionable information to the point of decision (48%)
  3. Use mobile software to increase customer intimacy (42%)

InfoWARE  enterprise application modules for Financial, Stock brokerage and Asset Management institutions delivers on all of the above and more with integrated Financials, CRM, Payroll, Mutual Funds and brokerage operations. With newly added facilities such as integrated workflow and exception based alerts, we have seen unprecedented industry acceptance with customers large and small such as Cashcraft Asset Management, GTB Asset Management, Skye Stockbrokers limited, Wema Capital limited, Capital Bancorp Limited and many more migrating to the new platform despite the tough economy.

InfoWARE is the engine helping organizations navigate the tough economic times and steal market share from their competition. Discover how InfoWARE can help you

  • Collaborate Better
  • Decide Better
  • Adapt Better
  • Operate Better

For more information visit our website or contact us at [email protected]  

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In This Issue
Can you run your enterprise applicaiton on the IPad?
CEO’s Note

CEO’s Note

InfoWARE provides the capability for investment banks and financial institutions irrespective of their size to be a 21st century global player. Using our SaaS deployment for example, InfoWARE enables you to be operational 24×7 with your customers being able to do business with you 27×7 anytime anywhere in the world in online real time mode. We provide a feature set that has exceeded the expectations of even the most demanding of investment banks and financial institutions in Nigeria and best of all we provide this at significant low cost and then back it up with unsurpassed quality service and support.


Uwa Agbonile
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